Schaghticoke First Nations
on Jun 01, 2016
Sachem Robert Hawk Storm Birch and Valerie LaRobardier from the Schaghticoke First Nations came to speak about the history and future of the Schaghticoke First Nations (SFN).
Sachem Robert Hawk Storm Birch and Valerie LaRobardier from the Schaghticoke First Nations came to speak about the history and future of the Schaghticoke First Nations (SFN). Sachem is a direct descendent and the current chief of the SFNs and works with the UN. They were established in 1676 after the King Phillips War treaty was signed in New York between Dover and Kent. The treaty was between the Schaghticoke, several other tribes, refugees and the NYS Governor, Edmund Andros. The Witenagenot oak tree where the treaty was signed is an historic site for the SFN and its conservation is very important to them. The Dover Stone Church was a refuge for them during the war. So the area holds significant historical importance to the tribe. The Schaghticoke are made up of three factions, the Schaghticoke First Nations, the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation and the Schaghticoke Indian Reservation. They have about 800 diverse members in total from a mixed group of Mohicans the Abenaki, Cahoo, Pennacook, Wampanoag, Narraganset, Sokoki, Nipmuc and others. The SFN is the largest faction with 347 members. Their diversity is represented in the tribal council.
The mission of the SFN is Community and Service, Sustainability, Cultural Heritage and healthy living. The SFN has no interest in pursuing gaming or gambling. Instead, in harmony with their mission statement and historical roots, they wish to establish a cultural center in the Dover area. The center would have a museum, representative village, agriculture, trails, sports, classes, conferences and retail stores. They hope to teach the ways of the tribe to build bridges instead of being secretive of their ways. They plan to model the center after the medicine wheel.
They will be hosting their first annual Intertribal Unity Gathering on June 3-5, 2016. For more information, you can visit their web site at